Montag, 30. April 2007

Rogues need something unique!

Ming hat einen sehr interessanten Post gemacht zur Rolle des Schurken in der 5on5 Arena. Den gesamten Text zu quoten will ich euch ersparen.

Short Version:

Expose armor should be made into -50% armor untalented, and the talent boosts it to 70%. Warriors and paladins are far too good in 5v5, because unless you have a super heavy magic DPS team, you are usually forced to leave the two classes that can DPS/heal longer than everyone else alive until the end. Rogue lacks a unique role in 5v5. Expose armor is our only real unique asset over other classes at the moment, unfortunately, the classes it works well against are already squishy enough that EA is hardly necessary in the first place. Creating a true counter to warrior/paladin, would go a long way in balancing the game for 5v5, not to mention finally giving the rogue a unique role.


Change deadly poison and envenom completely so that instead of doing damage to enemy’s health bar, they do damage to enemy’s mana bar. The exact numbers should be reworked. I am thinking something like 100 mana over 12 seconds per stack of deadly poison, and 750/1500 mana drained when you envenom/CB envenom.


Swap mortal strike and wound poison mechanics. Make wound poison 20% chance to proc, -50% healing in one layer, 10 second duration. Make mortal strike -10% healing per layer, stacks 5 times, 15 second duration.

Wer neugierig auf die volle Version ist, die gibts hier:

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